
How to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at work?

28 April, 2020

This year, World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 (SST 2020) seeks to stop the COVID-19 pandemic around the world

According to Gabriela Padrón Gamboa, Coordination of Safety, Hygiene, Environment and Civil Protection at CIQA (Center for Research in Applied Chemistry), doctors, maintenance personnel, pharmacies, supermarkets and other establishments risk their health in the face of COVID-19 and many without the proper protective equipment.

In this sense, he refers, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 (SST 2020) campaign emphasizes the adoption of safe practices in workplaces in response to the health emergency due to COVID-19, in addition to that commemorates deceased and injured workers, victims of accidents and occupational diseases, and promotes environments free of violence and harassment.

Actions specifically

As Gabriela Padrón points out, for the International Labor Organization (ILO) it is important that there is a culture of awareness and responsibility of governments and employers in order to guarantee decent employment and free of risks that threaten the integrity and quality of life of the personal.

On this point, it is important to mention that CIQA implemented NOM-035-stps-2018. Psychosocial risk factors at work – identification, analysis and prevention. Likewise, it adopted the measures suggested by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security published in the action guide for work centers in the face of the COVID-19 crisis, and the extraordinary actions published in the DOF, such as:

Hand washing, covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing; keep a healthy distance; income filter; temporary suspension of meetings and congregations of more than 50 people; permanent cleaning; possibility of home office and allow vulnerable staff not to show up at the workplace during the National Healthy Distance Day.

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